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If you’re looking for a refurbished Apple product, you can find some unique deals. However, before you buy a refurbished device from this company, you should know what you’re getting into. This article answers nine frequently asked questions about Apple remanufactured products and explains everything you need to know before making your next purchase.

What are Apple remanufactured products?

Apple devices in white packaging

Refurbished Apple products are Apple devices that have been restored to “like-new” condition after being resold or used as demonstration models, such as the iPhone, MacBook, iPad air 1, Apple TV or Apple Pencil. Sellers and buyers also call them “refurbished,” “remanufactured” or “remanufactured.”

Will a refurbished Apple product work like a new product?

Yes, refurbished Apple products are 100% functional. All components function as if they were new. From the iPhone screen to the iPad battery to the Apple Watch charger, all parts are fully functional. Just like their new counterparts.

How is this possible? You might ask.

Remanufactured products are not the same as used products. If the parts of a remanufactured Apple product do not meet the performance standards of a new Apple product, they are replaced.

If the hard drive in a MacBook stops working, Apple replaces it with a new one. If the battery in an iPhone stops charging or working properly, it will be replaced. If you buy a refurbished Apple product, it will be fully operational anyway.

Does Apple thoroughly test its remanufactured products?

Apple’s A7 chip

Yes, of course, it does. Testing is one of the most important steps in Apple’s remanufacturing process. Apple’s remanufactured products undergo a rigorous remanufacturing process that includes hardware and software testing, as well as a thorough evaluation of all components. Most, if not all, parts have been successfully tested.

If there is a problem, the parts are diagnosed. If the repairman knows what is wrong with a part, he can make an informed decision on what to do. Sometimes the part is replaced entirely.

For example, if the iPhone screen is broken, it is replaced with a new one. In other cases, the shop simply repairs the part. For example, if the MacBook motherboard cable is loose, it may simply be reconnected.

Once the repair or replacement is complete, the repaired product must be thoroughly retested. Only when the product has passed all functional tests (as a new product) can it be approved and sold at the Apple Store as a refurbished product.

Does Apple clean its remanufactured products?

Yes. Many Apple remanufactured products have lived their short lives after being used by a previous owner or by some people as demo or stock models in the store. Because of this, remanufactured phones, tablets, and computers have to go through an intensive cleaning process.

The products are thoroughly cleaned to make them shiny and dust-free as if they were brand new. Screens are polished, keyboards are dusted and all connections are checked for dirt. In addition, the internal parts of the equipment are cleaned so that the repaired unit is completely spotless and hygienic.

Is there any user data on refurbished Apple products?

No, absolutely not. When the product is refurbished, all data is erased from the internal memory. You will not find any trace of the previous owner’s settings, photos, music, videos, or applications. Whether it’s a PC, iPhone, or iPad, the hard drive is as fresh and ready to use as if it had just left the factory.


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