Positions for Labor and Birth

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There is no reason to think that you have to lay flat on your back in the hospital bed when the time approaches to give birth to your baby. Choosing from various postures during delivery is a right or privilege exclusive to you only. If you practice proper postures or positions for labor and birth, when it is time for your baby to come out of your body, they will help you unlock your pelvis, reduce pain, as well as feel control over yourself.

Finding out a Perfect Position

Although most women lay on their back as their positions for labor and birth for the last hundred years, modern specialists are now advising pregnant to select any positions they like if there is no medical condition. During the previous centuries, women in different parts of the world preferred upright positions for childbirth. The doctors observed that pregnant women assumed different types of postures by their instinct or without any conscious thought. Throughout your various stages of pregnancy, you will get recommendations from your doctor to change your positions frequently, walk, and move. Also, practice the positions at home from long before you have a baby.

Positions for Early Labor in the First Stage Labor

Your cervix gets thinner and opens up about three centimeters during the first stage, and you can still choose any position, sit, stand, or walk around that you feel easier to you. But, without any medical reason, doctors do not recommend lying on your back because it will decrease blood supply to your baby, which may lead to lengthier labor. You can lie on your side or sit with your feet up to rest in this early phase to preserve your energy for the coming time. Always change your positions to avoid muscle soreness as your baby needs to remain in the correct position in the pelvis while both of you need easing pressure on the pelvic area. If you are working as a surrogate mother and having any issues, you might get in touch with your surrogacy agency. Check leihmutter agentur to know all about the surrogacy agency.

Positions for Active Labor in the First Stage Labor

During active labor, your cervix opens up from three to ten centimeters, while you will feel a stronger and more frequent contraction. Your doctor will motivate you to decide your favorite position and advise you to help. However, try to practice an upright position. This position will help your baby to move down into the right position. You will enjoy stronger contraction and shorter labor. The chances of needing to inject a local anesthetic into the space around the spinal nerves in your lower back will be rare. You will be able to go through less pain and may not need a vacuum-assisted birth. The upright position will also help to unlock your pelvis for the next stage, and your baby will more likely enjoy a normal heart rate.

Positions for the Second Stage Labor

In the second stage, your cervix will be entirely wider, larger, and more open. You will need to push to move your baby out of your vagina when the contraction happens. If you can maintain the upright position, it will open up your pelvis to push easily. This position will help you to move into a sloping position, leading to faster delivery. In case you have back pain, with your baby facing towards your back or lateral, you can prefer positioning on your two knees and two hands.

You can also choose to be almost recumbent, lying on your side with the top leg folded on the bed. Squatting, leaning forward, and lunging are some of the many positions that you can try. When you will need to practice the positions for labor and birth, you can join an antenatal class. Or, you can watch videos and pictures on the internet. Practicing earlier than usual will be better for you and your pregnancy.

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