The Philippines’ answer to COVID 19

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This article describes how the Philippines responded to COVID 19 there. It will also tell people how to get help from WHO Philippines and where to find more information. Here are some places in the Philippines where you can learn more about this disease. These things are:


To help the Philippine government deal with the problems caused by COVID-19, the US is giving over $22.6 million in emergency funds and more than Php5 billion in development aid. USAID funding is mostly used to help local governments get better at preventing and stopping COVID-19 outbreaks and promoting and protecting against them. USAID is helping the Department of Health get the COVID-19 guidelines out to everyone in the country. Also, USAID is giving more people in the areas most affected by COVID-19 access to water, sanitation, hygiene, and services.


The Philippines have not done nearly enough to deal with COVID-19. Over 75,000 people in Tacloban are sick because of the pandemic. Because their homes were so bad, people who lived through Typhoon Haiyan had to move to the city. The government hasn’t done enough to help, so groups of health workers have asked the government to take a “time-out.” Over a third of the people who participated in the study thought that the national government wasn’t doing enough. Few people thought that any level of government could keep them safe.


Help from WHO in the Philippines


The country is having trouble stopping the spread of COVID-19 because not enough people know about the disease, there are language barriers, and not enough people can read and write. It is also trying to figure out how to deal with community quarantine, which will greatly affect society and the economy. Still, the government and other interested parties are coming together to support the programme, which has been successful. Here are some things the government can do to make COVID-19 less bad.


One of the main goals of the government of the Philippines is to get rid of COVID-19. To do this, it has been working to improve health outcomes with the Department of Health, the Department of Local Government, and other government agencies. The ReachHealth project, funded by USAID, is responsible for the country’s response to COVID-19. The goal is to reduce the effects of the disease while making it easier for people to get services for family planning and mother and child health.


Where to look for information


It is important to get information about COVID-19 from reliable sources. During outbreaks of infectious diseases, social media can be used to get the word out. The Philippines aren’t any different. In the COVID-19 crisis, social media platforms like Facebook are a great way for residents to build trust and work together. Because social media is so popular in the Philippines, this information is especially useful there.


When there is a health crisis, many people want to know what’s happening, but they tend only to trust sources they know. It is important to figure out which sources of information about COVID-19 are more reliable and whether they can give reliable public information. Traditional media can share information about COVID-19 backed up by facts, while social media can be used to share people’s thoughts on COVID-19 policies.


What does the PNP CODA have to do?


What does the pnp coda have to do with it? The Philippine National Police use this website to track the spreading of the deadly Covid-19 virus. It also gives important health information and how to contact pnpcoda officials. It also keeps track of everyone vaccinated against the deadly virus. This website is easy to find and easy to use, making it a great way to protect the public’s health.

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